sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012

Templo, Santificação e Culto (1 Coríntios)

Temple, Holiness, and the Liturgy of Life in Corinthians
(Raymond Corriveau)

"One persistent theme in the letters of St. Paul is his understanding of the Christian’s daily life in cultic or liturgical terms—as the worship of God. In this, Paul anticipates one of the chief dilemmas of faith in the modern world—the rupture between religion and life, between liturgy and the ordinary, work-a-day world, between the “spiritual life” and “life in the world.” Paul’s presentation of daily life as a spiritual sacrifice and worship of God can offer to the modern believer a global vision that enables him to overcome this division."

"In this article, I would like to take up this Pauline vision and to show how it is articulated in the Corinthian correspondence. Paul’s letters to the Corinthians represent a unique application of his belief in the Christian life as liturgy. In these letters, Paul’s understanding of the spiritualization of sacrifice, the cultic character of Christian being, and life and action as worship, are joined to a distinctive image of the Church as a new Temple and the baptized Christian as a temple of the Holy Spirit."

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